Life Insurance

All you need to know about life insurance before you make a purchase.

Life Insurance at Age 65 By the age of 65, it is likely that you have purchased life insurance. But in some cases, a lot of Americans haven’t. At this age you most likely need it but risk the prices being extremely high. Many still have debts and mortgages to pay off, and some still.. More

How to buy life insurance online? Are you looking to buy life insurance online? Don’t look any further, we have you covered. We will discuss what the benefits of life insurance are, what types of policies are available, and what to look out for when purchasing online. So sit back with your cup of coffee.. More

Why is Term Life Cheap? A question we get a lot when quoting life insurance to our clients is; why is term life cheap, especially compared to permanent life insurance? The honest answer is the life insurance carriers have been making money from the sale of term life for years. The life insurance industry estimates that.. More

Term life insurance is chosen more often than all permanent life insurance products together (whole life and universal life).

If you have a family and you want to rest easy, you need to have life insurance. This will make it possible for your loved ones have no financial problems in case you die unexpectedly. If you have a family that depends on you, life insurance should be a priority for you.  Life Insurance is.. More

Typically, most people don’t wake up in the morning thinking today is the day I’m buying  life insurance. In most cases, people are motivated to buy life insurance because of a live event, usually a birth or a DEATH. Sometimes its effective advertisement or maybe even a pesky relative who’s just gotten in the business.. More

If anyone has ever talked with you about using  life insurance as an investment, you have probably heard the saying “buy term and invest the difference”.  This saying is based on the premise of buying low cost term life insurance which frees up money for investments. Permanent life insurance, life insurance that has a cash.. More

What’s a reason to buy life insurance? If you ask a financial advisor, the first thing he or she would ask is “are you insured?” Life insurance is an important component of financial stability, for untimely death, but also for other aspects of future financial stability; with the right financial planning and policy. It can.. More

One of the main attractions with permanent life insurance, like variable life insurance, is the cash value component attached.  The problem with most of these permanent policies is the rate of return is usually low.  This is where variable universal life could make a difference. What is Variable Life Insurance? Variable universal life insurance is.. More

What is term life insurance?  Term life insurance is policy that provides a death benefit for certain amount of time.  If you, the insured, passes away during that set time period, then your beneficiary would receive the death benefit. With term life insurance policies, you choose the benefit period that best suits your situation at.. More

There is a big mis-conception out there that if you don’t bring actual dollar bills into the household, then life insurance for stay at home parents is not important.  This couldn’t be more wrong.  Stay at home parents need just as much coverage as the breadwinners do.  I am going to outline some reasons for.. More

Permanent Life Insurance is also called “cash value insurance”.  This means a permanent policy builds up cash value over time.  There are 2 types of permanent policies on the market today.  They are: Whole Life Insurance and Final Expense Universal Life Insurance (There are 3 variations of universal life: Guaranteed Universal Life, Indexed Universal Life,.. More

What is Indexed Universal Life? Indexed Universal Life insurance is an adjustable life insurance policy. It works the same way as a regular universal life policy in that it provides a death benefit and a cash value.  The main difference between them is the cash value component. In a regular universal life insurance policy, the.. More

Life Insurance for Children Should you own life insurance on your children?  That’s a question we get a lot, and there really is no wrong answer.  I can see both sides of the argument regarding it’s value to your child. Life insurance for children should be a discussion to have for every parent. Life insurance.. More

Life Insurance on your parents is an intricate part of your planning especially if it hasn’t been purchased by your parents already. It will also open up conversation related to senior planning such as wills and long-term care.  The good news is you can purchase life insurance on your parents if these criteria are met… More

Life Insurance for Diabetics With over 30 million Americans living with diabetes we get this is a question on a regular basis.  Life insurance for diabetics is obtainable, but it’s not as simple as you think.  There are a lot of other things that will factor into your ability to qualify. You will want to.. More

Life Insurance for Cancer Survivors I am writing this blog to try and clear up some of the misconceptions with cancer and the purchasing of life insurance.  If you have had cancer or have it now, you are not completely out of luck. In 2018, the National Cancer Institute estimates there will be over 1.7.. More

Down Syndrome This blog post I am a little too familiar with. My first and only child Liam, who is 7 months old, has down syndrome. I know all too well the challenges we face when it comes to securing life insurance on our little ones. In this article, I will give you some hope that we can.. More

Are you thinking about buying life insurance online? If so, we got you covered. There has been a trend over the last few years in that most consumers looking to buy life insurance, do so online.  Most are “googling” the different types of coverage or they are looking for a quote.  We will cover what.. More

Do you consider yourself or any other member of your family a high-risk life insurance applicant? Are you wondering if the amount of risk in your life can affect your chances of getting covered? Well, if yes is your answer to these questions, you’re certainly not alone. Life, for the most part, can be a.. More

Types of Life Insurance Policies The purchasing of a life insurance policy can be an intimidating process, especially when your agent over complicates the situation.  This blog post is meant to help you understand the different types of life insurance policies and how they work. There are basically 3 types of life insurance policies to choose.. More

Buying Life Insurance Online: What you need to know! Are you thinking about buying life insurance online? If yes, you’re certainly not alone; today, life insurance is incredibly popular among consumers of all ages. Life insurance is clearly one of the many important purchases you’ll make in your life. And yes, failure to buy life.. More

What is Life Insurance Used For? Let’s face it; basically, every one of us has heard about insurance and its many types — car insurance, life insurance, health insurance, homeowners insurance, travel insurance and more. But of course, our focus here is on life insurance. In today’s world, insurance and its processes can seem a.. More